Clarence Schock Memorial Park 
at Governor Dick


We invite you to participate in our

"Plant a Legacy" Program

The majestic old trees of Governor Dick Park lure us to walk among them, to rest awhile, to breathe deeply of the woodland scent.  Many species of wildlife find refuge here.  It is a wonderful place for recreation.  These natural resources are protected and conserved, a gift to the community long ago by Clarence Schock.

The managers of the forest resources at Governor Dick Park are committed to keeping the land forest forever.  However, the Park has many challenges. Our large old trees are doing what old trees do – they die.  And several tree species within the Park have fallen prey to invasive insects.  

When a tree dies, sunlight can reach the forest floor, inviting species of invasive plants to compete with our natural flora and fauna.  Sunlight encourages acorns and other tree seeds to sprout and grow, but the deer browse those seedlings and kill them.  The chance for natural regeneration in the Park under these conditions is grim.

In response, Governor Dick Park is taking on an initiative to renew and sustain the health of our forest by planting substitute species for those which we are losing.  This is our “Plant a Legacy” Program and our goal is to restore and sustain plant diversity within the Park. With this program, we hope to plant, with your help, 10,000 conifers! The endeavor may take a while, but in the end we may all enjoy a legacy of reaping what we sow.

Governor Dick Park is making available white spruce (Picea glauca) seedlings for you and your family to plant at Governor Dick.  The deer will not eat this species, and they will grow anywhere in the Park.  Look for these seedlings near the Environmental Center, carefully pull or dig one out of the nursery bed, and take it on your hike.  Plant it under the canopy of the biggest tree you can find and make sure you step away from the trail (but within 50 feet of the trail).  A small hand spade or even a sharp stick from the woods is all you will need to plant your tree.  Make sure you do not leave any roots of the seedling exposed.  Then watch it grow.  One day a bird may nest in your tree!