Clarence Schock Memorial Park 
at Governor Dick

                     Governor Dick Tower historic panorama after the 2022 Tower View Restoration Project.  
                        Photo credit:  Lee Wells  

Clarence Schock, our benefactor, overcame severe personal frustration with those who vandalized his wooden tower structures in the 1940’s and 1950’s when he ordered the construction of the concrete tower that is located on top of Governor Dick’s Hill.    

The 66-foot-tall tower, built in 1954, affords hikers a view of five counties: Lebanon, Berks, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York.  As Clarence proudly wrote in the Elizabethtown Chronicle in 1954, “Those who climb this tower will be able to overlook surrounding trees … and obtain the magnificent view which is there obtainable.”  He had the tower built at his own expense simply for the public to enjoy that view.       



                                                                                Photo credit:  uncharted

During the almost 70 years since, that view had become obscured by the “surrounding trees” growing very tall.  Today, thanks to a plan implemented to remove those trees, that view enjoyed by Clarence is again available to everyone.   

These plans required the control of invasive species, and the area will be replanted with native trees and shrubs that have growth patterns consistent with maintaining Clarence’s long-stated goal that this view be enjoyed by everyone.  New plantings will have to be behind a fence to protect them from the over-abundant deer browsing them during early growth.  

         Photo credit:  Lee Wells

Not only are we able to marvel at the view that caught Clarence’s attention and moved him to create a perpetual gift for the public, but it is preserved for future generations of people who will enjoy a forest hike to see that "magnificent view" .

UPDATE 10/5/23

After being seeded in early spring, the meadow began popping up this summer. We can expect to see a wider variety and more coverage of wildflowers next year. The area will eventually be fenced off to prevent the entrance of deer while we plant low growing trees such and Dogwood and Mountain Laurel. Tentatively, the area surrounding the meadow/fenced in area will become an interpretive trail including informational signs about the wildflowers, butterflies and others.

                                                 Image credit: Jedd Erdman

UPDATE 8/21/24

The perimeter of the cut area was fenced completely in early spring to prevent deer from entering the area. Then 1700 low growing trees and shrubs including Gray Dogwood, American Hazelnut, Arrowwood Viburnum, Red Mulberry, Black Chokeberry and more were planted.